By Gooooose
With the help of SE Calculator, now you could immediately do the following stuffs:
- get the information of the frequency of any note (eg. A3 is 440hz)
- get the closest note information of certain frequency (eg. type 440hz in frequency, the midi note will say A3)
- get the index of midi note in the range of 0-127 (eg. C1 is midi note 36)
- get the length of any number multiplied by any note values (eg. how many millisecond is 8 bars under current bpm?)
- get the sample-count of certain time length, so you could easily adjust sample-accurate track delay
- when changing BPM, the calculator will automatically calculate current note values.
- the hz, ms and samples section will always keep track of each other’s change.
- This device is transparent, so you could put it anywhere of your project and all midi message will pass through unaffected.
- the lowest midi note is C -2 in this device, so frequency lower than 8.175799 hz will not change midi note anymore.
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